Saturday, October 23, 2010


I am so elated that I have taken the course called Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work, and Society. This course has allowed me the opportunity to broaden my knowledge about how to integrate technology lessons into my curriculum to help enhance my instructions. I will use the Internet, blogs, wikis, and pod cast as instructional tools to assist students with learning content knowledge in my course.  These instructional tools will be used to extend student’s knowledge and skills as it relate to content, to differentiate instructions so that lessons will include all learning styles and to show students that learning can be fun yet meaningful.  I now have more insight about how to create lessons that will promote 21st century skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills. I understand that today students do learn differently so as the teacher I must be constantly seeking opportunities to include various lessons that will stimulate students to want to excel in the classroom. Students tend to be more engaged in class when they can participate in activities that will allow them to seek solutions to real life problems. I will be seeking more opportunities to participate in technology workshops so that I can stay abreast of the latest advance technology. I will also stay inform with the current trends and practices of local businesses so that I will be preparing students to meet the demands of the society. (Dede, 2010) 

The role of the 21st century teacher has changed because no longer is the focus teacher-centered it has shifted to a student-centered classroom. A student-centered classroom is one where the students grasp concepts by learning how to think independently, knows how to use the latest technology to research and retrieve information and then collaborate with their peers to share their ideas.  My role as the teacher is to guide students through the learning process giving them the chance to explore innovative technology, work in groups to analyze and synthesize situations and to communicate their knowledge to the class.

One goal that I would like to do is to transform my classroom environment where students have the opportunity to incorporate technology to demonstrate their mastery of concepts in class.  Students will be involved in cooperative learning groups where they will have the task of solving real life problems.
In Skills for the 21st Century, Dr. Dede shares about collaboration with each other in the workforce and why it is so important that those skills are taught (Laureate Education Inc., 2008). Students will be using various technologies for example posting to blogs to share new concepts, reflecting on concepts so that I can assess what they have learned, and communicating with their peers to reinforce key concepts. When creating my lesson plans, I will have a technology section that will include weekly activities that will allow students the opportunity to use the latest technology to complete lessons in class.  When I learn how to use different types of technology, I will share this information with my colleagues and I will continue to use the Internet to seek the latest pedagogy and use educational blogs, websites, social networking groups to stay inform of information that will enhance my teaching practices.

I would also like to accomplish setting up classroom workstations where students will have the opportunity to use web cams, PDAs, digital cameras, blogs, wikis, pod casting and Skype to assist them with learning content information. The stations would focus on academic areas such as vocabulary, complex content information, demonstration of software application and problem based projects . This would also allow students that chance to use different kinds of learning tools. I know that I would have to do extensive planning to include lessons that would require students to use a variety of advanced technology however students would benefit from being engaged in a productive and creative learning environment. I would make sure that I have permission from all stakeholders including the central office, students, parents, and school administration to use some of these learning tools. I am fortunate to have several of the input devices already in my class so the only technology that I would have to inquire about funding would be the use of Skype. I would also have student-led conferences where students would demonstrate to their parents how to use different technology.  Students would be responsible for sharing how they use these devices in class by displaying or presenting their work. These conferences can be held during PTSA (Parent, Teachers, and Student Association) meetings and parent conference night which meets on a monthly basis. This would create a positive environment for the teacher, student, and parent.

When I  reflect on the first week of class, I recall that my expectations of this course was to gain knowledge about powerful instructional tools that I would be able to incorporate into my class to impact student achievement. I was able to gain strategies that will help transform my classroom to one where students are active participants in their own learning. I was introduced to several  technology strategies that will help me share valuable content information. I now have a wealth of knowledge that will help me become a more effective teacher. My goal is for students to  leave my class knowing that their  learning experience  has prepare them to enter the workplace with the essential skills necessary so that they will be able to compete with students globally.

Dede, C. (2010). “The Changing Work Environment: Part 2” [video]. Laureate Education.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008). Program eleven: Skills for the 21st Century. [DVD]. In Walden University: Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work, and Society. Baltimore: Author.

Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.). A report and mile guide for 21st century skills. Washington DC: Author. Retrieved from (26, September, 2010).

Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Chapter 4, "Wikis: Easy Collaboration for All", California: Corwin.

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